
The Beginner's Guide to Creating and Publishing Python Packages on PyPI

Python packages are collections of Python modules that provide a convenient way to reuse code and distribute it to other users. In this article, we will explore the process of creating a Python package and releasing it on the Python Package Index (PyPI), the official repository for third-party Python packages.



Before we start creating and releasing a Python package, there are a few things you will need to have in place:


  1. A Python development environment: You will need a Python installation and a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) to write and edit your code.

  2. A version control system: It is a good idea to use a version control system, such as Git, to track changes to your code and collaborate with other developers.

  3. A PyPI account: In order to release your package on PyPI, you will need to create a PyPI account and log in.


Creating a Python Package

To create a Python package, you will need to follow these steps:


  1. Create a directory for your package: Choose a name for your package and create a directory with that name. This will be the root directory for your package.

  2. Create a script: In the root directory of your package, create a script that defines metadata about your package and specifies how it should be installed. Here is an example script:


from setuptools import setup

    author='Your Name',
    description='A short description of my package',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
        'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
        'Operating System :: OS Independent',


This script defines the name, version, author, and other metadata about your package. It also specifies the package dependencies and requirements, as well as the classifiers that describe the package’s intended audience and compatibility with different Python versions and operating systems.


  1. Create a file: A README file is a crucial part of any package, as it provides important information about the package’s purpose, usage, and installation instructions. It is a good idea to use Markdown format for your README, as it is easy to read and supports formatting, links, and images.

  2. Define the package structure: The root directory of your package should contain a file, which indicates that the directory is a Python package. You can also create additional subdirectories and modules within the package as needed. For example, if your package has a utils module, you could create a my_package/ file and import it from the root package using from my_package import utils.

  3. Write your code: Write the code for your package in the appropriate modules and files. Make sure to follow Python’s style guide (PEP 8) and write clear and well-documented code.

  4. Test your package: Before releasing your package, it is important to thoroughly test it to ensure it is working as intended. You can use tools like pytest and tox to automate your testing process.


Releasing Your Package

To release your package on PyPI, you will need to follow these steps:


  1. Build your package: Use the python sdist bdist_wheel command to build your package. This will create a dist directory in the root of your package that contains the built package files.

  2. Create a .pypirc file: PyPI uses the .pypirc file to authenticate your account and upload your package. Create a .pypirc file in your home directory with the following content:


index-servers =

username: your_username
password: your_password


Replace your_username and your_password with your actual PyPI username and password.

  1. Upload your package: Use the twine command-line tool to upload your package to PyPI. Run the following command in the root directory of your package:


twine upload dist/*


This will upload your package to PyPI, where it will be available for other users to install.

  1. Publish your package: After uploading your package, it will be in a “pending” state and will not be visible to other users until you publish it. To publish your package, log in to your PyPI account and navigate to the package page. Click the “Edit” button and then the “Publish” button to make your package live.


Congratulations! You have now released your Python package on PyPI. Other users can now install it using the pip command, like this:


pip install my-package


Keep in mind that publishing a package on PyPI is just the beginning. You will need to maintain and update your package as needed, and respond to issues and feedback from users. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create and maintain a successful Python package that is useful to a wide audience.